Glazing Options
The standard glazing material for most of Allied Window’s products is clear double-strength (DSB) glass with a thickness of 1/8” (3mm). These products can also accept glazing materials of 5/32” (4mm). The Monumental Series can accept glazing materials of 3/16” (5mm) or 1/4” (6mm). Glass thickness is determined by factory guidelines or project specifications.
Options include:
- Annealed glass
- Tempered glass
- Laminated glass
- Low-e glass
- Tinted glass
- Obscure glass
- Polycarbonate (Lexan)
- Standard
- -XL (Extra Life)
- MR (Mar-Resistant)
- Acrylic (Plexiglas)
- Standard
- MR (Mar-Resistant)
- 99% UV-Filtering (UF-3 or OP-5)